Monday, February 2, 2015

The Excitement Never Ends

 Crazy Hat Night 
You know your boys play too much Minecraft when one of them opens the cupboard one morning and declares, "Look. My cereal bowl keeps spawning! Every morning I use it and put it in the sink, but the next day it's there all over again." It's no wonder they wanted THESE hats for AWANA's crazy hat night. 

Wichita Thunder Hockey Game
Our first night out with just the older kids included dinner at Applebee's and a hockey game with a large group from our Sunday School class. We had second row seats and even caught a hockey puck that came up over the guard. That could have been dangerous!

Kansas Day Field Trip
I brought the kiddo's to church last Friday for a very interesting and educational time. A lady from the Kansas Oil Museum taught us all about our state, with plenty of hands on activities for all ages. 

Aside from these highlights......well, we're teaching Keira to read. 

She also figured out how to pull herself up.

Taerik got his first tooth. Just trust me - it's in there. 

DON'T ASK!!! (I can assure you that this was NOT my idea and won't be happening again.)

Their home away from home - the church nursery. 

New hair bows!

Sleeping Drakey's. 

Other than that, life just keeps on going as normal.....

"For YOU have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy."
(Psalm 63:7)


  1. Heidi, you are a wonderful mommy! Keep on keepin on! I sure enjoy your updates!
    Linda H.
