Sonograms are now every other week! We had sono #7 on Monday. Of course, the babies are so crowded at this point, that all I see is a mass of body parts. But, the ultrasound technicians amaze me, as they seem to know what part belongs with which baby. While they do need complete concentration, they always start with the head and work down. If ever they get confused, it's back to the head and down again. It also seems that each time we go for an appointment, the medical residents are invited to sit in on our case. We were told that triplets only come along about once each year.
I have gained 40 pounds already! As astounding as this fact is, I am actually right on track with my weight gain schedule. So, praise the Lord! This is probably the only time in my life you will ever hear me cheer for weight gain.
At my OB appointment on Thursday, my belly measured 34 cm! Full term size for a singleton pregnancy is 37 cm. This, too, is right on track. I was told at the beginning that I would likely look full term at 24 weeks.
Due to some light cramping, I am now officially at the "limit time on feet" stage. All along, I've been anticipating various forms of bedrest (modified, complete, hospitalized). These limitations come as contractions come. I am so thankful to only have these minor limitations right now, and am hopeful that I will not have to add any more in the near future.
Baby, Baby, Baby Shower - February 1, 2014
Some dear friends in our church threw a baby shower for me last Saturday!!! They did such a beautiful job and really helped to make this journey extra special. I am also extremely grateful for how God continues to provide through the generosity of His people. We were overwhelmed by all the gifts!
In typical, non-traditional form, I was the "speaker" at my own shower. All along this journey, Rob and I have desired to make God preeminent. So, when asked who I would like to speak, I volunteered to share my personal testimony of God's leading in our family these past two years. The following video documents our journey and is approximately 30 minutes long. While I don't expect that many will have the time to watch it, I chose to record and post it publicly for several reasons:
- Due to an ice storm the night before the shower, there were a number of people who were unable to attend. Some have asked to see it.
- With all of our family living in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, I wanted to be able to share the experience with them.
- While I completed detailed baby books for Griffen and Rhys, I am fearful that I will not be able to keep up with such an endeavor for these three babies. So, instead, I am making a DVD that will serve as each of their memory "books." It will include this blog, numerous pictures, a song I wrote and recorded for them, and various other files I have on our computer. I do not care that they ever know the in's and out's of this triplet pregnancy, however I deeply desire that they are someday able to see God's supernatural leading in their lives. HE saw their unformed substance and planned out all their days (Psalm 139:16).
- In an effort to be transparent, and with a great desire to minister to others going through deep trial, I wanted to offer hope and encouragement. I do not for one second think that everyone is waiting with baited breath to hear what I have to say. In fact, if anything, this testimony actually highlights many of my weaknesses and insecurities. But, if it can be used to help even one individual, then it has been worth sharing!
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