Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Birthdays, Babies, & Books

This past week we celebrated Rhys' 7th Birthday! Donuts and presents on Sunday, were followed by a baseball game with friends on Monday. We are so thankful to God for blessing our family with this affectionate little lover of people.

The babies also continue to grow and develop. Two and a half months after Keira decided to walk, the boys have decided to follow. Drake has really taken off this past week, and Taerik is only a short distance behind. This new found mobility actually makes my life easier in so many ways. Loading the car, for example, can be done in one trip and the call to the dinner table usually results in three happy faces waiting by their high chairs.

Keira has figured out how to undress herself. Wonder when she's going to teach her brothers that trick, too???

She has her daddy totally wrapped around her finger. 

And she LOVES her necklaces! Thank goodness for that, because I can't keep a bow in her hair to save my life. 

We have definitely had both a relaxing and eventful summer. But all good things must come to an end. Next Tuesday, we hit the books. Yup, homeschooling is back in session with Griffen in 4th grade, Rhys in 2nd grade, and three babies entertaining us through it all. My current theme verse is -

"...as your days, so shall your strength be." 
(Deut. 33:25)

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