Saturday, September 6, 2014

Kansas State Fair

Our family had a blast today enjoying the perfect weather at the Kansas State Fair. We were invited to travel by tour bus with the Governor Sam Brownback campaign committee. Free tickets for the whole fam in exchange for our support of the governor at his live debate turned out to be a great deal for both parties! Even Griffen and Rhys got in on the cheering and banner waving. You can capture a small glimpse of the action here -

Whether it was our loud voices, our ginormous baby-mobile, or our cute kids, we somehow got the attention of the governor himself. He even paused for a couple pictures. Here he is holding our precious Keira!

After the rally, our family enjoyed many of the other fair festivities and food. OK, I must make a brief confessional. Here is the list of foods consumed by my family between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM. It began with a frozen cappuccino from Quik Trip on the early morning drive to the tour bus. That was followed by cinnamon rolls for all while on the bus ride to the fair. You can't visit a state fair without cheese curds, so we didn't. Yup, two orders of those. Our cute kids somehow managed to catch the eye of the kettle corn worker who graciously gave us a free bag. We never pass up free, so we had to also accept the free ice cream bars from the Dillons booth. Plus, we had always wondered what a deep fried Snickers would taste like. Now we know. At some point, Rhys asked me what we had for lunch, and I was just like....... So, the fair was great! We thoroughly enjoyed our time there. 

Now I must also at this time point out that our family draws a LOT of attention when out in public! I mean, A LOT!!! I could not even begin to count how many people stopped to take pictures of our babies or wanted to stop and ask all about them. I would say that 25% of our day was spent in such a manner. In fact, we were even interviewed twice on camera. (I will post the footage, if I can ever locate the links.) We ran in to one other family of triplets at the fair. Now you want to talk about a scene?!?!?! Our six babies drew about the same crowd as the governor's speech. This experienced mother of 15 month old triplet girls informed me that her trick was to put her babies in separate strollers and NEVER dress them alike. Ooops! Not only were mine dressed alike - they were in bright yellow!!! I am certainly not complaining, though, as I never tire of sharing what God has done in our family. Rob even had one great opportunity to share the gospel. Praise the Lord! I am often reminded of Deuteronomy 4:9, which says -

"Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known..."

So, that was our day.Here are a couple more pictures to brighten yours, courtesy of some very crazy big brothers. Sometimes I just sit back and ask, "Why?"

One more "Keira" for the road. :) 


  1. HAHAHA...I had to laugh at the pics of stickers on their heads. That is so something my kids would do to my son. I love their big eyes they just make me smile.

  2. Great post Heidi! I loved reading about your trip to the Fair! The babies are bound to get attention wherever you go from now on out! :) They are such precious gifts to your lives...and we constantly rejoice with you over your three little miracle babies. The older boys Griffin and Rhys crack me up with the sticker placement...and I bet your days are never dull! :)

  3. Love, Love, Love it? Ron wants to know where the babies were being mailed to?
