Wednesday, June 18, 2014

"I'm Glad It's Me, Too"

The babies had their two month doctor's appointment and shots yesterday. The poor nurse could hardly keep from crying after giving 9 sticks to three crying babies. In the end, they all survived and are growing like weeds!

9 pounds, 4 ounces
22 inches long
36.9 cm. head circumference

8 pounds
20 1/4 inches long
37.1 cm. head circumference
Drake also got clearance to ditch the apnea monitor, so he is now free and clear of all wires!!!

9 pounds, 8 ounces
20 inches long
37.5 cm. head circumference

You can imagine that with three babies, we get some interesting looks and comments. Several times now, I have had someone say to me, "I'm glad it's you and not me." And, no doubt, they are referring to all the hard work, sleepless nights, diaper changes, and energy exertion. But, I have to say, there is nothing quite like snuggling 3 precious babies, waking up to 3 almost smiling faces, and gazing at 3 sleeping angels! And so, I proudly answer, "I'm glad it's me, too." 

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good!"  (Psalm 34:8)


  1. I got goosebumps and teared up a little bit. I'm so glad that it's you, too, Heidi. I know it is tough with newborns, and it will get tougher before it gets easier, but GOD IS FAITHFUL and He will give you the strength to care for these precious blessings because HE has called you to care for them. Praising God with you that that Drake could ditch the monitor! ;-)

  2. Oh what a wonderful report! The babies are growing nicely...and it is so great that Drake is now free of the monitor! :) You are triple blessed with these babies and also greatly blessed with your older boys Griffin and Rhys! You and Rob are awesome parents! Love, Linda Hogeland

  3. What a lovely update and I'm so thrilled for all of you. I can only imagine the preciousness of your family and how proud you are to say that you are glad it's you. What a wonderful , long, hard, blessed journey you are all on. God bless you all

  4. Praying for you all...Dad Fuller, his Full BB Team and now with two cheerleaders as well. Love you all! Grandpa Bjokne

  5. You all are blessed! Love all your pictures
