Thursday, November 12, 2015

Embryo Adoption 101

Our embryo transfer is only 4 days away. 4 DAYS AWAY!!! Here are the stats for all who have asked.....and even those who haven't.
  1. Our embryo's are called 5 day blastocysts. (Basically, they are 5 days past fertilization.)
  2. We do not know for sure how long they have been frozen, but our guess is around 3-5 years.
  3. Each embryo has about a 70% chance of surviving the thawing process. 
  4. They will slowly be thawed, one at a time, on the morning of our transfer, by our nationally renowned embryologist, Carol Sommerfelt.
  5. She will then study and grade them carefully.
    1. First, a number is given (1-6) that states their expansion status. (Still inside the shell to completely hatched.)
    2. A letter grade (A-D) is given to the quality of the inner cell mass. Keep in mind, that these little lives are currently only about 100 cells. 
    3. A letter grade (A-D) is given to the quality of the outer layer, which is becoming the placenta. 
    4. A perfect grade would be AA and would have the highest chances of survival. Having said that, the NEDC will not even destroy a DD. While it is highly unlikely that these would survive, they will at least be given a chance. 
    5. If I remember correctly, our triplets (2 embryos) were graded 5AA and 5AB.
  6. It is very likely that at least two embryo's will be thawed.  
  7. Based on the grades of the first two, the embryologist will determine if she will thaw any more. 
    1. If the first two thawed embryo's receive A's and B's, she would be extremely hesitant to thaw any more. The ideal transfer situation is 2 healthy embryo's. 
    2. If the first two receive lower grades OR if one or more do not survive the thaw, she would be more willing to thaw another. 
    3. We have expressed our desires - that if even one does not survive the thaw, to please transfer the remaining three regardless of their grades - however, the final decision rests in the hands of the doctor and embryologist. 
  8. Dr. Keenan and Carol will come and meet with us just minutes before the procedure to tell us the number and quality of the embryo's they will be transferring. 
  9. The actual procedure takes only about 15 minutes and then I am asked to remain restful for about 24 hours. 
  10. Then, we wait. A blood pregnancy test will be scheduled for about 10 days later. 
  11. Our chances of a successful transfer resulting in a confirmed pregnancy are about 50%.  
Prayers are SO VERY MUCH appreciated! I have been thinking much about how I am even supposed to pray. After quite a few near panic attacks, I certainly need to pray! And yet, what do I pray? I do not need to pray for God's presence, as He has already promised that (Heb. 13:5). I do not need to pray for His provision, as He has also promised that (Phil. 4:19). So, you see, lately I have been praying that God would teach me how to pray. And here is what I have come up with so far. 
  • COURAGE  - Courage to do what I know He has called our family to do. (Joshua 1:9)
  • PEACE - A quiet mind that rests in God's sovereign control. (Isaiah 26:3)
  • BELIEF - "I believe; help my unbelief." (Mark 9:24)
  • TRUST - Trust in my inner core that God's ways are always higher than mine. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."  
(Numbers 6:24-26)

So very secondary to these requests, I have come to believe that there is a place for my own desires in my prayers, as well. And so lastly, I simply state them to God. It is my desire that we would only have to go through this one final transfer, and not need to go through this whole process ever again. I desire that we only add one more child to our family, preferably a sister for Keira. I desire a normal, healthy pregnancy without any risks or complications. Those are my desires. And yet, I think back to a time when we were pleading with the Lord for any children at all and have to almost chuckle at where we are now. He has proven that He is worth trusting!


  1. I will be praying for God's will and for your peace, courage, belief and trust. Holly Webber (Knell)

  2. May God fill you with His peace. Praying for you, your family, Dr. Keenan, and Carol.

  3. Heidi I will be praying for you and the family during this time. It is wonderful to see how God has blessed you and continues to. Love you!!! Heather Vigil
