Monday, September 14, 2015

Here We Go Again --- Adoption Journey #4

Yes, friends, you read correctly.When we adopted our triplets as frozen embryos, we actually adopted a set of 8 genetically related siblings. At the time of their transfer, 4 were thawed, 2 passed away immediately, and the other 2 were transferred to my body. Then, God took over and gave us a little bonus when one boy became two boys. (I often tell my little Drakey just how much I LOVE bonuses.) So, 4 frozen siblings still remain in a storage unit labeled "Fuller"at the NEDC in Knoxville, TN. After much seeking the will of God, we have felt His leading to go back and get them. Now,with our home study complete and all the medical exams passed, we wanted to take the opportunity to answer the many questions that will certainly abound before our scheduled FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) in mid-November. So, here we go -

Are you crazy?
     Yes! Oh, yes, yes, yes!!! We agree with every one of you out there who is thinking this very thought right now. We cannot honestly think of many things crazier than entering the adoption journey again when we still have THREE children who need to be potty trained.

Didn't you think about this possibility when you adopted a set of 8?
     No. Honest to goodness, no. I sometimes try to remember exactly what we were thinking, but this past year has been a bit of a blur. With statistics that maybe show about 2 live births resulting from a set that size, we never could have imagined triplets in our arms, plus four remaining.

Are you scared? 
     Terrified. How can this family of seven possibly handle any more? Can we truly afford this? Are we really ready to go through all the shots, pills, and hormones again? As I laid on the exam table in great discomfort just three weeks ago my mind flooded with thoughts of "I just can't do this again."

Do you really want more kids?
     Not so much. Don't get me wrong. We adore our kids. They are so very loved and cherished. We count them some of our greatest blessings. We thank God regularly for entrusting them to our family. But, there are five of them. Our house, car, and bank account are only so big. Our days will not get any longer nor our schedules any lighter in the near future.

Have you thought about waiting until the triplets are a little older?
     Oh, yes. We have thought through just about every possible scenario and have come to the conclusion that there will just never be a good time in our lives when we sit down at the dinner table and say, "You know, life has really settled down. Maybe now is a good time for more kids."

Are you sure you are done after this?
     Unfortunately, no. Now that these embryos have a record of doing so well, plus a history of splitting, our doctor is quite hesitant to transfer more than 1-2 at a time. We will not know anything for sure until the morning of the transfer, and much depends on how well they do during the thawing process. So, our commitment to these lives is filled with much uncertainty. I can say, however, that this is the ONLY avenue we plan on pursuing to expand our family.

How do your kids feel about this?
     They are ecstatic. I have heard them ask many times when we are going back for our other babies? They have already planned out the possible new bedroom arrangements and house layout. Just the other day Rhys told me he couldn't wait for more sisters. He made it clear, though, that we don't need any more brothers. :)


Because we were asked.
     We have heard the argument on occasion that "you can't save them all" and we totally agree. But in July 2014 (when our triplets were only 3.5 months old) we were asked about these four. The NEDC will never destroy these lives, so our options were to give them up for adoption by another family or to commit to them ourselves. It was strongly encouraged that these sibling groups stay together. Plus, in a marriage that has been so defined by adoption, it seems so very backward to give up "our" children for adoption.

Because we are looking out for the best interest of our present children. 
     We imagine that they would have questions and possible pain in knowing that we chose to give some away. 

Because the future of 4 embryos rests in our hands.
     That is a huge responsibility.

Because in a culture of Planned Parenthood, we desire to value life as God does. 
     As news articles and videos abound in current media, our belief that life begins at the very moment of conception is strengthened. We are saddened to hear these tiniest lives simply referred to as tissue and remember that their Creator has numberless thoughts toward them (Psalm 139:16-17).

Because God calls us to be "rich in good works". 
     I Timothy 6:17-19 have been very influential in this decision. Christ calls Christians to "be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share THUS storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life."

Because we truly believe this to be God's perfect will for our family.
     This decision has not been made lightly. We have devoted much time to prayer, counsel, and Bible study. We have counted the cost and, though great, have deeply sensed this to be the direction God is leading.

There are certainly no guarantees. I miscarried the first set that was transferred to my body and carried triplets the second time around. It may very well be God's perfect plan that no live births result from all our efforts. We debated even telling our story publicly, since there is so much uncertainty. We recognize that this road may lead to loss, pain, and heartache. And yet, we are becoming increasingly convinced that, no matter what, the road God calls us to will always lead to increasing joy! We share because we would greatly appreciate any prayers on our behalf these next few months!!!


On a totally different note..... I want to leave you with this sneak peak into our family circus. With three mobile toddlers all going in different directions, the purchase of baby leashes seemed a logical attempt at order. Here was our trial run one Sunday morning before church. It should be apparent that we NEED your prayers.

Yes, that is my Drake HANGING FROM THE COAT RACK!


  1. Amen and Amen! We'll certainly pray for your sweet family. I know that God is faithful and whether you have 2, 3, 8, or 0 more babies, he will supply all your needs, whether they are emotional, mental, financial, or physical. Maybe we need to break ground on phase 4 soon? Just sayin! Your family is such an inspiration to all who know you. Yvonne Schmitt

  2. I love what you are doing for the Lord, for yourselves and for the children. We have been on a similar journey and have eight children when we had originally decided to "stop at two"!!!! hahaha....I got saved when my twins were 1.5 years old and since then we've brought four more children into our home for a grand total of 8. I do think we are done as my body is wearing down, but I don't regret it! I love these children and they are all learning about the Lord while being homeschooled! Praise the Lord - thank you for your testimony.
