Friday, May 30, 2014

Monday, May 26, 2014


In the past two weeks, the AC unit on our van completely died, lightening destroyed the power supply on our home computer, and an electricity surge totally fried Rob's laptop. Two nights ago, our kitchen faucet sprung a leak and the medical bills have begun appearing in our mailbox. And yet, in the midst of all of this, a dear friend of ours tragically passed away and I realize....I am blessed. As I weep with a new widow and hug her fatherless children I cannot help but forget my petty problems. God has been very good to me! He saw me through my valleys and strengthened in my weakness. He has endlessly given wisdom, direction, love, protection, and abundant provision. And yet, despite loss and despair, I marvel at how God worked out everything for good. So today I hold my kids a little tighter. I kiss my husband a little longer. And I plead with God to bestow this same grace and strength to those who mourn so deeply. You will be missed, Shane! We love you and will continue to hold your family very dear.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

First Days Home

Our first days home with all three babies have certainly been full. Full of busyness. Full of activity. Full of joy! We are settling into a routine and, though hectic, we're loving every minute of it. Babies are fed and changed on a 4 hour schedule. Our lives are now revolving around 2:00, 6:00, and 10:00. We work together during the awake hours and at night we take turns. I have the 2:00 AM session and can usually get everything done in about an hour and a half. Rob wakes up at 6:00 AM and takes his turn. During the day, my mother-in-law helps me out tremendously with a little bit of everything. She will be here through Memorial Day weekend and we greatly appreciate every minute she is willing to stay! Here are some pics from our first few days as a family of SEVEN. (I seriously never thought I'd be saying that!)

Bringing Drake home!

Our "baby bus" is now complete!

Two very proud big brothers!

Photo bomb by Rhys.




New kitchen layout.

Another photo bomb by Rhys. (No, he's not sitting on Keira.)

First Sunday at church with everyone - Mother's Day. 

We put the babies all in the same crib about half of the time. They seem to love it and it sure is cute!

Griffen and Rhys are BIG helpers.

Wednesday evening we all cheered on Griffen and Rhys at the Awana Awards Ceremony. Both of them did awesome, finishing their entire books, plus the reviews. Griffen even completed the extra credit book, as well. "Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee."  (Psalm 119:11)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mothers Day Blessing

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, with prayer and thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God" (Philippians 4:6).

God graciously and miraculously answered my Mother's Day request!!! After 27 days in the hospital, Drake was released to come home on Saturday, May 10 at 11:30 AM. What a blessing to finally have our whole family together. Drake did need to come home with an apnea monitor and so we are still getting used to that. Let me tell you - when that alarm goes off in the middle of the night it certainly gets your blood flowing QUICKLY. We will likely have to keep the monitor for about 7 weeks, however we may be able to limit it to night time only if he can go for two weeks without any alarms sounding. He is doing amazing and already gaining weight. When we left the hospital, Drake weighed 4 pounds, 13 ounces. At today's doctor's appointment, he had already gained 5 ounces, weighing in at 5 pounds, 2 ounces! Keira was up to 6 pounds, 5 ounces and Taerik tipped the scale at 6 pounds, 2 ounces. I am so grateful to God for the health and progress of all three babies and the supreme joy they are to our family. My heart just overflows! I am reminded of Psalm 113:9 - "He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!"

Also, on Mother's Day, we were privileged to have Rob's mom with us. She is staying for several weeks to help us adjust to our new routine. We greatly appreciate all her love and help!